Thursday, June 2, 2011

8 Kiat Meningkatkan Trafik Pengunjung Blog Tanpa Mesin Pencari

Bagaimana cara meningkatkan trafik pada blog tanpa harus bergantung pada mesin pencari? Inilah pertanyaan yang sering kali muncul oleh seorang yang baru mulai ngeblog.
Ketika sebuah blog baru dibuat, salah satu sumber trafik pengunjung yang bisa diharapkan adalah mesin pencari. Mesin pencari memang memegang peranan vital dalam mendatangkan trafik yang deras untuk blog. Namun dibutuhkan kerja keras yang lebih untuk menikmatinya. Misalnya dengan membuat content yang original serta mempelajari ilmu SEO (Search Engine Optimization), sehingga posisi blog kita pada mesin pencari mendapat peringkat yang bagus.
Kalau begitu apakah ada cara lain untuk meningkatkan arus trafik blog tanpa bergantung mesin pencari? Ada, kira-kira ada 8 cara yang bisa Anda coba. Berikut 8 tips dari saya.
1. Rajin-rajinlah berkomentar pada blog orang lain. Berikan komentar yang sesuai dengan artikel, jangan hanya berkomentar untuk “membuang sampah sembarangan” alias SPAM. Usahakan agar Anda menjadi komentator yang pertama. Jika blog yang Anda komentari dikunjungi oleh ribuan visitor perharinya, maka bersiap-siaplah kecipratan derasnya pengunjung lain yang mampir.
2. Kalau Anda rajin mengirim email ke surat pembaca media cetak, gunakan alamat email yang berakhiran domain blog Anda. Dengan semakin sering domain blog Anda muncul, bisa jadi para pembaca media cetak tersebut akan langsung berselancar di blog Anda. Kalau bisa gunakan kata-kata email Anda pada surat pembaca untuk menginformasikan pembaca membuka blog Anda, bahwa ada sesuatu yang berguna disana. Ingat menginformasikan berbeda dengan merekomendasikan. Jangan sampai email Anda tidak dimuat karena memiliki “iklan terselubung”.
3. Berikan email signature atau tanda tangan pada email untuk mengarahkan pembacanya mengunjungi blog Anda misalnya dengan mencantumkan alamat blog Anda. Misal: DHINATA.COM | Belajar web design, Internet, dan online business. Jadi gunakan selalu email resmi yang berakhiran domain Anda untuk mengirim email kepada sebanyak mungkin orang. Dan lagi-lagi saya ingatkan, HINDARI SPAM!
4. Manfaatkan fasilitas signature pada forum diskusi online. Isinya bisa seperti pada signature email Anda. Kalau Anda termasuk sebagai member yang aktif maka member lain tidak akan segan-segan mengakses blog pribadi Anda. Jadi jangan cuma sering bertanya pada forum, tapi sering-seringlah memberikan solusi serta pendapat yang berguna bagi member lain.
5. Buatlah hasil karya yang bisa didistribusikan secara online. Saya secara pribadi sering manggunakan ecard sebagai salah satu sarana promosi. Misalnya dengan membuat ecard berbasis flash lalu mengirimkannya ke Jangan lupa untuk mencantumkan alamat blog Anda, karena biasanya tidak ada larangan untuk itu. Semakin banyak orang yang mengirim ecard Anda, akan semakin terkenal pula nama blog Anda.
6. Tidak semua redaksi suatu media cetak maupun elektronik mempunyai ide untuk menulis artikel setiap harinya. Maka Anda bisa memberikan informasi bahwa blog Anda dapat memberikan informasi yang mereka butuhkan, sehingga mereka dengan sukarela membahas blog Anda dalam tulisannya. Kalau Anda bisa, tulis saja sendiri artikel yang sesuai dengan rubrik media tersebut serta tema blog Anda lalu mengirimkannya kepada mereka.
7. Buatlah artikel yang melibatkan blogger lain dalam penulisannya. Misalnya dengan mengutip dan mengomentari tulisan salah seorang blogger terkenal di blog Anda. Istilah yang sering dipakai oleh blogger untuk hal ini adalah seperti “bermain PING PONG”. Berikan umpan kepada orang lain berupa pendapat Anda serta link yang menuju ke blog mereka. Kalau Anda cukup beruntung, maka blogger tersebut akan memberikan link ke pada blog Anda dalam salah satu artikelnya.
8. Tidak ada salahnya untuk mendaftarkan blog Anda dalam media jaringan periklanan online gratis. Yang saya maksud bukan iklan baris. Bentuknya mirip dengan AdWords milik Google, tapi media ini tidak berbayar alias gratis. Salah satunya Kita diperbolehkan memasang iklan tentang blog kita pada situs orang lain dengan persyaratan kita juga mau memasang iklan orang lain pada blog kita. Caranya cukup dengan memasang beberapa baris JavaScript yang telah disediakan pada blog kita. Informasi lebih lanjut dapat Anda lihat disitus tersebut

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Scream 4

Scream 4 (ditulis sebagai 'SCRE4M) adalah film horor/slasher yang akan rilis dan film keempat dalam serial Scream. Film ini masih akan dibuat dari pembuat aslinya, yakni sutradara Wes Craven dan penulis Kevin Williamson. Saat pertama, serial installment ini hanya dibuat sebagai trilogi, sepuluh tahun kemudian sejak film ketiganya, sang produser berkeinginan untuk membuat filmnya. Dan film ini akan dijadikan sebagai trilogi baru, memisahkan diri secara tidak langsung dengan ketiga pendahulunya. Film ini dijadwalkan akan rilis pada 15 April 2011.




Film keempat ini pertama kali diumumkan The Weinstein Company pada Juli 2008,dengan Wes Craven yang berkata dia tidak keberatan akan menyutradarainya jika skenarionya sebagus Scream.Pada Maret 2010 Craven mengkonfirmasikan bahwa dia akan menjadi sutradaranya  dan menyatakan bahwa "I am delighted to accept Bob Weinstein's offer to take the reins on a whole new chapter in 'Scream' history. Working with Courteney, David and Neve was a blast ten years ago and I'm sure it will be again. And I can't wait to find the talent that will bring new blood to the screen as well. Kevin is right on his game with the new script - the characters and story crackle with energy and originality - to say nothing of some of the most hair-raising scares I've seen in a script since... well, since the original 'Scream' series. Let me at it".


Craven menyatakan sudah sepuluh tahun sejak kejadian Scream 3 dengan film keempat ini dan tidak akan ada pembunuhan Ghostface yang "kehidupan nyata" tetapi sekuel-sekuel film-di dalam-dilm, Stab. Craven juga menyatakan bahwa status hidup Sidney Prescott, "She's done her best to move on from the events that occurred in the previous films, even releasing a successful book". Craven berkata sekuel yang tiada habisnya, remake yang modern, studio film, dan sutradara akan berkahir dalam parodi. Karakter-karakter utamanya berusaha menjelaskan bagaimana sebuah figur modern yang sudah banyak dikenal benar-benar terjadi disekitar mereka.
Demi kerahasiaan klimaksnya dan karakter asli sang pembunuh, skenario Kevin Williamson hanya dibaca beberapa orang seperti para produser inti, sang penulis, dan Wes Craven selaku sutradara. Selain itu untuk para aktor dan aktris, mereka hanya diberikan 75 halaman skrip saja yang nanti setelah menyelesaikan adegan dalam halaman-halaman itu, baru akan diberikan lagi. 


Jamie Kennedy mengatakan kepada iFMagazine ditahun 2008 bahwa dia dalam perbincangan untuk kembali memerankan Randy Meeks. Mengesampingan fakta bahwa karakternya sudah meninggal di Scream 2, Kennedy berkata "I actually had a conversation with somebody very big in the organization, and there's a way. I don't know what's going to happen, but they have plans for a lot of things. You can see new faces you wouldn't expect and you can see old faces that you wouldn't believe. There's a way to bring a lot of things around." Williamson melanjutkan dengan membantah banyak rumor yang beredar sejak ide kembalinya Randy (, dengan berkata bahwa Randy sudah meninggal dan tidak bisa dihidupkan lagi. Dalam ajang penerimaan Golden Globe Awards, pasangan Arquette memberikan kemungkinan kembalinya mereka dalam Scream 4 dan juga Neve Campbell.
Pada sebuah wawancara pada 23 April 2010 dengan FEARnet, WIlliamson mengkonfirmasikan bahwa tiga pemain inti (Arquette,Campbell, dan Cox) akan kembali dan membantah bahwa Kennedy akan kembali dan berkata "I would love nothing more than to have Jamie Kennedy in the film. However to have Randy in the film, it sort of just takes it… I mean Scream 2 was a lie, you know? It's a false move. So I just won't do it. I can't do that. I just won't do it".
Saat konferensi pers digelar untuk Repo MenLiev Schreiber-pemain yang memerankan Cotton Weary mengatakan tidak punya rencana untuk kembali memerankan Weary. Pada bulan april, lebih dari 12 casting dimulai untuk merebut perhatian penonton kepada filmnya.ref name="Showfax"/> Bulan selanjutnya, pemain-pemain utama baru ditawarkan kepada tiga orang yakni, Ashley Greene,Hayden Panettiere, dan Rory Culkin. Jika diterima, Greene akan memerankan Jill, sepupu Sidney; Panettiere akan memerankan Kirby; teman baik Jill; sementara Culkin akan menjadi Charlie, seorang pasangan main Jill. Lake Bell masih dalam negosiasi menjadi seorang deputi sekolah yang mengetahui Sidney sejak SMU.Namun, akhirnya Emma Robertslah yang menjadi Jill Kessler.
Dalam twitternya, Kevin Williamson memberitahu bahwa Patrick Dempsey tidak akan kembali memerankan Detektif Kinkaid.
Pada syuting yang akan dilakukan pada pergantian Juni ke Juli, beberapa nama telah dilansir akan bermain pada film ini. DiantaranyaAdam Brody, Erik Knudsen, dan Marley Shelton. 


Sebenarnya, proses produksi shooting sudah dimulai sejak Mei 2010 sebagai rencana. Namun, tim produksi baru bisa memulai pada Juli 2010 di Michigan.


Film ini dijadwalkan akan rilis pada tanggal 15 April 2011.

Official website :
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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Things To Do In Bali - Bali Tours


What You Can See and Do in Bali, Indonesia

Bali's natural attractions include miles of sandy beaches (many are well-known amongst surfers), picturesque rice terraces, towering active volcanoes over 3,000 meters (10,000 ft.) high, fast flowing rivers, deep ravines, pristine crater lakes, sacred caves, and lush tropical forests full of exotic wildlife.
The island's rich cultural heritage is visible everywhere - in over 20,000 temples and palaces, in many colorful festivals and ceremonies (including tooth filings and cremations), in drama, music, and dance.
You can experience Bali on many different excursions and guided tours by coach, private car or "Big Bike", by boat or by air plane: seeing Bali's beaches and rice terraces, the famous Besakih Temple on the slopes of holy Mount Agung, Lake Batur and it's active volcano, Ubud, Legian, Kuta, Nusa Dua, and the temples of Tanah Lot and Ulu Watu from a helicopter is a really special experience. For helicopter tours and private charters (3 to 6 passengers) please contact the Service Center at 703-060 as soon as you arrive.
Most full day tours by car (about 8 to 10 hours, min 2 persons) cost about US$45 to US$50 per person, half day tours US$30 to US$35. These prices include a multi-lingual guide and transport in an air-conditioned private car, all entrance fees, but no meals. Which guide and driver you choose can make or break your day: be warned that those who offer very low prices tend to waste your time by showing you hardly any more than those shops which pay them a commission on your purchases.


*Kintamani Volcano Tour: The first stop is often in the village of Batubulan to watch a performance of the Barong and Kris Dance. Afterwards you visit the villages of Celuk (silver jewelry) and Mas (wood carving) to see Balinese artisans at work. Ubud, Bali's cultural center, has grown to a busy town with numerous Balinese art galleries and shops. A scenic drive over small roads overlooking beautiful rice terraces brings you to the mountain village of Kintamani (about 5,000 feet above the sea) which offers spectacular views of Lake Batur and the volcano. You can cross the crater lake below the still active Mount Batur and visit the "Bali Aga" village of Trunyan. Return through traditional villages with stops in Tampaksiring to visit the temple of Tirta Empul, and to visit the Elephant Cave "Goa Gajah", a hermitage from the 11th. century used by both Buddhists and Hindus.
*The "Mother Temple" and East Bali Tour: Drive to Besakih through various villages visiting on the way a weaving factory, see the famous painted ceiling at the old "Palace of Justice" in Klungkung, and visit the school of painting in Kamasan. The "Mother Temple" in Besakih is Bali's most holy and Indonesia's biggest Hindu temple. It was build in the 11th. Century in an altitude of 1,000 meters (3,000 feet) on the slopes of Mount Agung. You pass picturesque rice terraces on the way to the walled "Bali Aga" village of Tenganan, and continue to Candi Dasa on the East coast. On the way back it's recommended to stop at the famous Bat Cave "Goa Lawah" with thousands of bats hanging from the walls.
*Bedugul Tour: After a stop in Sangeh to visit its holy forest inhabited by wild monkeys, drive up into the mountains to Lake Bratan (1,200 meters above sea level) and the picturesque water temple Ulun Danu. Visit the busy flower, fruit and spice market in Candikuning where most of Bali's vegetables come from. Drive back through small country roads, villages and rice fields, with a stop in an artisan village specializing in gold threaded textiles (Ikat) worn during important ceremonies.
*North Bali Tour: Drive the scenic road via Pupuan through the mountains to Bali's North coast. You'll enjoy beautiful views of picturesque rice terraces, and large plantations growing vanilla, chocolate, coffee, cloves, and even wine grapes. Near the village of Banjar is a popular hot spring where you can take a bath in the natural pond. After a lunch on the black beach in Lovina you pass the old capital of Singaraja on the way to Git Git, famous for its multi-tier water fall. Return over back roads to see the unspoiled Bali. (This tour can be combined with the visit to Bedugul.)
*Monkey Forest & Tanah Lot Tour: Visit the royal Taman Ayun temple in Mengwi (built in 1624), the holy monkey forest near Sangeh, and famous Tanah Lot. This picturesque Balinese temple was built in the 16th. Century on a huge rock 100 yards off Bali's West coast and is surrounded by the sea during high tides. Spectacular sight, however, spoiled by thousands of tourists visiting every day during sunset. To avoid these, enjoy the view from the lobby of the nearby Le Meridien Nirvana Resort.
*Handicraft Villages & Ubud Tour: Visit the artisan villages of Batubulan (stone carving), Celuk (silver & gold jewelry), Mas (wood carving), and Pengosekan (painting). Stop at the "Bali Art Market" in Sukawati to bargain for all kinds of handicrafts and textiles.
Already in the 1930s Ubud had been made famous around the world as Bali's cultural center by the German intellectual Walter Spies, the Dutch painter Rudolf Bonnet and other foreign artists who'd made it their home.
Today Ubud is a fast growing town with numerous art galleries and shops offering paintings, wood carvings, textiles, and all kinds of souvenirs. Don't miss the MUSEUM PURI LUKISAN in the center of Ubud, the NEKA MUSEUM in Campuhan, the NEKA GALLERY in Ubud, the AGUNG RAI GALLERY in Peliatan, and the AGUNG RAI MUSEUM in Pengosekan to see the difference between creative art and more commercial products. Problem is that when you see their "Permanent Collections" at many "Galleries" you've seen real art, and when you return to their show rooms you don't like any of the very commercial products any more.
The SENIWATI GALLERY - ART BY WOMEN, founded in 1991 by Mary Northmore (the very personable wife of famous painter Abdul Azis) to help Balinese women to be accepted as artists, is a place you should not miss whatever you do. The main purpose of this Bali art gallery is to expose the long understated brilliance of independent women artists resident in Bali, and to motivate, train, and encourage young Balinese girls with obvious creative gifts. Visit also the BLUE MOON STUDIO and GALLERY, founded in 1994 with an emphasis on exhibiting contemporary artists.
The LOTUS CAFE is perhaps the most popular meeting point in town and has become kind of an institution, and MURNI'S as well as the BRIDGE CAFE offer tasty snacks and full meals in very pleasant surroundings and at reasonable prices. For other interesting restaurants please visit Restaurants in Ubud. The various Balinese dance and Wayang Kulit performances (see below) in Ubud and in nearby villages are worth spending the early evening there.


Balinese Dances

Most Balinese dance performances are held in the evenings, however, you can also see some Barong Dance performances in the morning.
If you prefer to watch one of these Balinese dance performances in a hotel after a sumptuous dinner buffet, theOBEROI is recommended because of the beautiful beach front setting. For those who do not wish to have dinner here, there is a US$10/person fee to enjoy the dances; Classical Dance on Tuesdays and Ramayana Dance on Thursdays, starting from 8:30 p.m.
Bali Dance Festival offers daily dance performance during buffet at US$25 per person. The restaurant opens at 7:00pm for dinner and on 8:00pm the performance starts. For further information and booking, please call 703-060.
If you have rented a villa, you can contact our local Service Center at 703-060 to arrange a private Balinese dance performance in your garden at any time convenient for you. 40 to 60 dancers and musicians in beautiful costumes will perform the Balinese dances of your choice and be afterwards available to explain anything you might wish to know.
*Barong Dance: This Balinese dance is about a contest between the opposing forces of chaos and destruction ("Rangda") and order (the "Barong"). Performances in Suwung and Kesiman (suburbs of Denpasar), and in Batubulan daily from 9:00 or 9:30 a.m.; in Banjar Abasan, Singapadu, daily from 9:30 a.m., and at Puri Saren in Ubud, Friday from 6:30 p.m.
*Legong Dance: A highly stylized, extremely difficult dance performed by young girls. Choreographed to the finest details, and no improvisation allowed. Performances at the Peliatan Stage, Friday from 6:30 p.m., at Pura Dalem, Puri Peliatan, Saturday from 6:30 p.m., at Pura Peliatan in Ubud, Sunday from 7:30 p.m., and at Puri Saren, Ubud, Monday from 7:30 p.m.
*Kecak Dance: A ritual dance created in the early 1930's for the movie "Island of the Demons" by the German painter and intellectual Walter Spies who combined the chorus of the "Sanghyang" trance dance with a story from the "Ramayana" legend. Very impressive with its circular chorus of sometimes over 100 bare chested male singers. Performances are held at the Arts Center, Denpasar, daily from 6:30 p.m., and in Banjar Tegal, Ubud, Sunday from 6:00 p.m.
*Fire Dance: The Fire Dance is an exorcist dance against spirit possession. Girls in trance dance barefoot among glowing coals. Performances in Bona Kangin, Gianyar, Friday. Monday and Wednesday from 6:30 p.m. In Bonasari, Gianyar, Friday, Monday and Wednesday from 7:00 p.m., and in Batubulan, daily from 6:30 p.m.
*Ramayana Dance: There are occasional performances of this Balinese dance Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa. This cultural dinner show is available on Tuesdays from 8:00 p.m at Rp. 240,000 + 21% tax and service charges per person.
If you are seriously interested in Balinese dance and music, you should contact the YAYASAN POLOS SENI (Foundation for Pure Art) in Peliatan near Ubud. They offer dance and music lessons at reasonable prices (see under "Balinese Dance & Music Classes" at Popular Bali Activities).

Wayang Kulit, Traditional Drama & Other Performances

*Wayang Kulit: In the Indonesian shadow puppet play, beautifully painted and gilded leather puppets are used although only the shadows are visible to the audience. The stories come from the spirit world and are full of symbolism and myth. A highly skilled puppeteer controls hundreds of puppets, speaks with a different voice for each character, and controls the musicians. Plays go on for several hours. Performances can be seen at Oka Kartini, Tebesaya, Peliatan, Ubud, on Saturdays from 8:00 p.m.
*Balinese Temple Festivals, Drama, Other Performances: See the "Bali Post" daily newspaper and the Friday edition of the English language "Jakarta Post" for details.



  • Bali Museum
    Jalan Letkol Wisnu, Denpasar
    Open daily from 8 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. except Mondays.
  • Danes Art Veranda
    Jalan Hayam Wuruk 159, Denpasar. Tel. 250 037
    Local and regional artists, rotating exhibitions.
  • Museum of Archeology
    Jalan Letkol Wisnu, Denpasar
    Open daily from 8 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. except Mondays.
  • Taman Budaya Cultural Center
    Jalan Nusa Indah, Denpasar.
    Open daily from 8 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. except holidays.


  • Randelli Gallery
    Jalan Raya Seminyak, Seminyak.
    Contemporary mix of pop, figurative and abstact art by young established artists both international and local.


  • Museum Le Mayeur
    Jalan Hang Tuah, Sanur
    Open daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. except Fridays.

Jimbaran/Tanjung Benoa/Nusa Dua

  • Ganesha Gallery
    Four Seasons Hotel, Jimbaran. Tel. 0361-701 010
    Features local and international artists based in Indonesia often very high profile. Frequent happenings.
  • Jenggala Keramik Bali
    Jalan Uluwatu II, Jimbaran. Tel. 0361-703 311
    description here


  • Agung Rai Museum of Art
    Jalan Pengosekan, Peliatan, Ubud.
    Open daily from 9.00 a.m. to 6 p.m. except holidays.
  • Agung Rai Museum of Art (ARMA)
    Jalan Bima, Pangosekan, Ubud. Tel. 0361-974 228
    One of the most distinguished galeries in Bali, where you can see works of some Bali's celebrated names like Spies, Bonnet, Hofker and Affandi. They also hold high profile events such as national art competitions and rotating exhibitions.
  • Antonio Blanco Renaissance Museum
    Jalan Raya Campuhan, Ubud. Tel. 0361-975 502
    Dedicated to the life and work of famed Philippino artists Antonio Blanco, the space includes his original studio, gardens and family temple.
  • Bamboo Gallery
    Nyuhkuning, Pengosekan, Ubud.
    Open from Monday to Friday 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
  • Blue Moon Gallery
    Jalan Tirta Tawar, Banjar Kutuh Kaja, Ubud.
    900 meters north of Ubud's main road, and 
    Studio Blue Moon, Ubud main road at Jalan Sriwedari
    Open daily from 10 am to 5 pm, specializing in exhibitions featuring emerging contemporary artists.
  • Gaya Fusion of Senses
    Jalan Raya Sayan, Ubud. Tel. 0361-979 252
    High concept space featuring major exhibiton by both international and local artists featuring contemporary art, paintings, performace, installations and sculptures. A real center for the arts.
  • Komaneka Gallery:
    Jalan Monkey Forest, Ubud. Tel. 0361-976 090
    A fine art gallery that focuses on young mainly local artists with higher education in the arts, who may have studios abroad.
  • Low Art Gallery
    Jalan Raya Ubud No. 8, Ubud. Tel 081 338 565962
    Recently opened gallery specializing in the kitsch and the retro. Includes substantial collection of old movie posters and all kinds of weird and wonderful art.
  • Neka Museum
    Jalan Raya Campuhan, Ubud.
    Open daily 8.00 to 5.00 p.m. except holidays.
  • Museum Puri Lukisan
    Jalan Raya Ubud, Ubud.
    Open daily 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. except holidays.
  • Rudana Museum
    Peliatan, Teges, Ubud. Tel. 0361-975 779
    Boasts an excellent collection of Balinese and other Indonesian fine arts by the likes of I Gusti Nyoman Lempad, Affandi, Supono and Antonio Blanco.
  • Sika Contemporary Art Gallery
    Jalan Raya Campuhan, Ubud. Tel. 0361-975 727
    Provides a venue for young creative artists, both local and itnernational. Holds regular temproary exhibitions and events.
  • Seniwati Gallery of Art by Women
    Jalan Sriwidari 2B, Ubud. Tel. 0361-975 485
    Seniwati supports and showcases women artists and also houses a shop where crafts can be bought, some of them by artists who exhibit in the gallery.

For exhibitions and other events such as high-tech Wayang Kulit performances in Ubud, concerts, Western theater performances, bull racing in Tabanan, etc. as well as the daily movie programs, please see the daily "Bali Post" newspaper and the Friday edition of the English language "Jakarta Post" for details.


*Water Sports: Swimming, snorkeling, banana boat rides, water ski, parasailing, etc. are arranged by most hotels and at the Beluga Marina in Tanjung Benoa. There are also small sail boats, catamarans, and boards for wind surfing for rent along Jimbaran Beach.
The most challenging of Bali's famous surfing spots are near Ulu Watu (only for experts in top physical condition who are comfortable surfing over coral reefs on large, powerful waves that break in shallow water) and along Bali's West coast North of Canggu; the best time is during the dry season from June to September. For details on the various locations please visit the Baliwaves web site or check Peter Neely's "Indo Surf & Lingo" guide book.
You can also buy a day-guest ticket (telephone before as prices vary from US$45 to US$55 per person and seem to depend on their occupancy!) and enjoy all sports facilities at Nusa Dua's CLUB MED until 17:00 in the afternoon. They offer sea kayakking, wind surfing, snorkeling, and many other sports activities such as water aerobics, archery, tennis, and ping pong tournaments, beach volleyball, bocci ball lessons, and a circus school for adults. The day-guest ticket includes a lunch buffet with a choice of Western, Indonesian, Chinese, Japanese and Korean dishes and unlimited table wine, beer and soft drinks.
A large free-form swimming pool with a life band playing during the afternoon on the center island is the main attraction of the new HARD ROCK BEACH CLUB in Kuta. There is a pool-side restaurant for various snacks, a pool bar serving exotic drinks, and you can even rent your private pool-side "Cabana" if you wish to draw the curtains for some privacy. Pool use is 100,000 Rupiah per day for non-resident guests, and for the "Cabana" they charge 140,000 Rupiah per day.
Spending an afternoon in the Aquatonic Pool at the new AYANA THALASSO & SPA is an experience not to be missed! The roofed 650 sq. meter (7,000 sq.ft.) pool contains 700 million liters (153 million gallons) of heated seawater. With a maximum depth of 1.3 meters (4 ft.) the pool includes different zones at variable temperatures with numerous strong jets providing aquatic massages to improve blood circulation, tone up the muscles and provide relaxation. There is a cross current walking corridor, cross current swimming corridor, cubicles for leg, tight and stomach massage, aqua seats and cubicles for back massage, swan necks for neck and shoulder massage, several jet pools, bubble bath areas, geysers and aqua beds providing a relaxing bubble massage and a panoramic Indian Ocean view. One-time access to the Aquatonic Pool for two hours is US$35 +20% tax & service per person (minors below 16 years are not allowed). Not cheap but well worth it!
*Spa & Beauty Treatments: A wide range of treatments is offered in the AYANA SPA adjacent to the Aquatonic Pool for US$50 to US$80 +21% per hour. Other famous spas in the upper price category are at the NUSA DUA BEACH RESORT, at THE LEGIAN in Seminyak, and the KIRANA in Ubud features a spectacular setting. Numerous other spas in all tourist areas offer treatments at lower prices, and when you stay at many's villas you enjoy free massages and spa treatments including the famous Mandi Lulur at substantially reduced rates. For bookings and more information call 703-060.
*Scuba Diving in Bali: A number of PADI certified companies offer diving tours (no spear fishing in Bali) with experienced guides and equipment from one day to several days. The best Bali diving sites (some with ship wrecks) are along Bali's East cost near Candi Dasa, Amed and Tulamben and near Nusa Penida. The area around Menjangan Island near Gilimanuk (ferry to Java) is regarded by many experts as over-rated, and do not try diving near Nusa Dua and around the Southern peninsula — it's a waste of time and money. About US$60 to US$140 (depending on the destination) per person for one-day tours; US$350-US$400 plus extra costs or US$450 including everything for four day courses including your PADI certificate. For bookings and diving information call 703-060.
*Game Fishing: A number of companies offer yachts and fishing boats with guides for charter. The catch includes Tuna, Wahoo, Mai-Mai, Mackerel, or Marlin - and Snapper, Cod and Coral Trout to be caught reef fishing should you so desire. From US$625 per day standard fishing boat with fishing gears and US$1,155 per day for 30ft pleasure catamaran powered by 2 eco-friendly 4-stroke outboard engines, satellite navigation, top-of-the-range fish finder and sonar with experienced crew, full insurance, and all electronics and safety gear. For bookings and charter information call 703-060.
*Day Cruises: There are daily cruises to nearby Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan islands off the South-East coast of Bali. Guests spend the day either at one of the cruise companies' beach clubs (with restaurant, swimming pool, water sports equipment) or on a floating pontoon, and you can go snorkeling, scuba diving, take Banana Boat rides, or view the underwater world from a semi-submersible vessel. You can choose between modern, air-conditioned motor cruisers accommodating 100 and more guests and a number of smaller sailing boats. For the more adventurous there is now also a 12-meter inflatable Ocean Raft carrying up to 24 passengers. Departure is usually around 9.00 a.m., and you return in the afternoon. About US$95 per person including lunch, children from 5 to 14 years 50%. For bookings and information call 703-060.
*Dinner Cruises: Some of the boats which leave in the morning for the regular Island Cruises offer also a Dinner Cruise starting around 17:45 p.m. After cruising around the Benoa harbour, an international buffet dinner and some entertainment by folk singers and live bands you return around 20:45 p.m. to the pier. US$45 per person, children up to 16 years 50%. For bookings and information call 703-060.
*Island Cruises: There are a number of cruises from Bali through the Lesser Sunda Islands, to Sulawesi, and the Moluccas. You can choose from modern cruise liners, luxurious private yachts, and traditional Buginese schooners, and either join a scheduled cruise from 3 days to 12 or 15 days, or even charter your own yacht or schooner with 2 to 16 cabins, experienced crew, and a Western tour guide. Please look at the different cruises and yacht charter options available or call 703-060 for information.
*Playing Golf in Bali: The "Bali Handara Kosaido Country Club" near Bedugul in the mountains is probably Bali's most attractive golf course. There is also a 18-hole course at the "Bali Golf & Country Club" in Nusa Dua near the Bali Hilton, a 9-hole course at the Grand Bali Beach Hotel in Sanur, and the new "Nirwana Bali Golf Club" with a 18-hole course near Tanah Lot. If you are interested in playing golf in Bali, please call 703-060 for bookings and information.
*Tennis & Squash: There are Clark Hatch Sports Clubs at the Sheraton Laguna and Nusa Indah Resort, Kartika Plaza Hotel, and Nikko Hotel each of which has several outdoor tennis courts, indoor squash courts, and complete fitness facilities. Playing partners as well as lessons are available. Most other 5-star hotels have at least some tennis courts which can also be booked by outside guests. For bookings and information call 703-060.
*Paragliding: Located on the Bukit (the hill South of the airport), a well-trained instructor accompanies you on a 20 minute tandem flight over the most spectacular strip of Bali's coastline. For bookings and information call 703-060. Note: Available only in the afternoon, confirmation can be made one hour prior to the activity.
*White Water Rafting: Several companies offer exciting white water rafting tours (grade 2 to grade 4 rapids) on the Ayung river North-West of Ubud and — during certain times of the year — also on the Unda river North of Klungkung. You pass waterfalls and volcanic cliffs, deep sided gorges, tranquil rice terraces and remote villages. From morning to afternoon, US$76 per person including transfers from and to your hotel and lunch. For bookings and information call 703-060.
*Other Organized Adventures: Lake and Sea Kayakking, Jungle Trekking, and Mountain Cycling are arranged by the companies listed above. For bookings and information call 703-060.
*Bungy Jumping: A. J. Hackett in adjacent to Double Six, Legian, is the island's only beach bungy tower with a lift. US$62. With the "Sling Shot" at the "Adrenalin Park" in Kuta you can get shot 52 metres into the air in just over one second, and they have an overhanging climbing wall, too. For bookings and information call 703-060.
*Horseback Riding: Experience Bali on horse back, ride through rice fields and along deserted beaches. Tours can be organized mornings and afternoons. For bookings and information call 703-060.
*Paintball War Games: The newly operated "Paintball Bali" is located on Jimbaran Hill and occupies about 3 hectares of exciting playing fields. Facilities include a large parking area, lobby with audio-video facilities, individual changing rooms and lockers as well as a staging area. For bookings and information call 703-060.
*Nature Tours: Visit the Bali Barat National Park in the West of the island, the Butterfly Park "Taman Kupu Kupu" in Wanasari, Tabanan, or the Botanical Gardens in Bedugul. Guided bird watching tours are offered starting from Ubud (in the village of Petulu a few miles north of Ubud you can also watch between 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. every day the arrival of thousands of white herons who are nesting here), and you can visit the bull races in Negara. If you stay near Lovina in the North, get up early one morning and hire a boat to watch hundreds of dolphins. For bookings and information call 703-060.
*The Botanical Garden, Ubud: This covers an area of five hectares and accommodates a natural ravine. There are an Orchid Garden, a vast collection of ferns, palms, bamboos and tropical trees, as well as Bali's first maze. For bookings and information call 703-060.
*Bali Safari and Marine Park: This newly opened safari park is set in 40 hectares of land and located near Gianyar; there are safari vehicles to cruise the park and interact with 400 animals from Asia including Indonesia, India, and Africa. Introductory entrance fee is US$25 per person. For bookings and information call 703-060.
*Bali Zoo: "Nature's Education Center" is home of more than 350 animals and located in Singapadu near Ubud. Daily programs include animal feeding (lions, crocodiles, tigers etc.) as well as animal petting e.g. you can touch and hold various birds and baby monkeys. Entrance fee is US$18 per adult. For bookings and information call 703-060.
*Harley Davidson Rental: For real bikers who want to explore Bali in a different way, Harley Davidson bikes are available for rent. Various families of Sportster (883cc), Dyna Low Rider (1,450cc), Fat Boy (1,450cc) or Heritage Softail Classic (1,450cc) are available at US$70 to US$150 per day. Additional US$30 if you need a guide for tandem riding. For bookings and information call 703-060.
*ATV Quad & Buggy Tour: An adventurous journey off-the-beaten track on 250-350cc ATV's through lush forests and mountain streams to enjoy some of the best views of Bali's rice terraces. Rates start at US$69 per person. For bookings and information call 703-060.
*Paint A Pot: Jenggala is pleased to offer handpainting of ceramics – raw glazed of ceramics range from US$5 to US$21 each. A course in ceramic hand building is also available. This includes slabwork, pinch and coil techoniques, drop moulds and handthrowing. Rate starts from US$10 (2hrs per session - course completed within 1 week.) For bookings and information call 703-060.
*Not Only for Children: Take a stroll through Denpasar's bird market near the northern end of Jalan Veteran where you see not only a large variety of tropical birds but also tropical fish, cats and dogs, monkeys etc. You can visit the Taman Burung bird park with 1,000 different species of birds (and even a small Komodo dragon in the adjacent Reptile Park) in Singapadu about 20 minutes north of Denpasar, the Waterbom Park with four slides and a flowing river in tropical surroundings in Tuban, or enjoy jungle treks on top of Sumatran elephants starting from the Elephant Safari Park in Taro, a village about 50 kilometers north of Denpasar. Camel rides on the beach are offered at the Hotel Nikko Bali in Nusa Dua.
*Balinese Dance & Music Classes: The YAYASAN POLOS SENI (Foundation for Pure Art) in Banjar Teges Kanginan, Peliatan, Ubud, e-mail, offers Balinese dance and music classes for students who wish to become fully involved with the dance & music culture of Bali. Enrolling in one of these classes (one-to-one tuition and participation in group rehearsals and performances) means becoming a member of the family of students and teachers and an in-depth experience of the world of performers and performances in the Ubud area. There are also 2-week courses to learn playing the Gamelan at the MUSEUM SENI KLASSIK in Klungkung (e-mail which are open for all levels of experience. Beginners as well as "non-musicians" are welcome.
*Meditation Classes: Free Raya Yoga Meditation classes and regular sessions in Ubud and Denpasar, tel. 976-206. There are also free lessons every Monday 19.00 at the Denpasar Meditation Shop, tel. 237-260. Information on daily meetings, classes, books, tapes and videos from Bali Osho Information Centre, telephone 423-595.
*Balinese Cooking Classes: Discover the secrets of Balinese cuisine by joining one of the 1-Day Cooking Classes held by Heinz von Holzen, the author of the book "The Food Of Bali" and former food guru of the Grand Hyatt and Ritz Carlton (now Ayana Resort & Spa) hotels in Bali. You can visit Heinz in his beautiful BUMBU BALI restaurant in Tanjung Benoa next to Nusa Dua and enjoy their fabulous dishes at any time. If you wish to enrol in one of his popular classes, you better book in advance.
Balinese cooking classes are also held in Ubud at the BUMBU Restaurant (tel. 974-217), at CASA LUNA (tel. 96-283), and at the nearby Sua Bali Culture and Information Centre (tel. 941-050).
*Culinary Events: Aimed more at the local community than at tourists are the "Wine & Cigars" and other special dinners at the AMANUSA and AYANA as well as the BVLGARI Resort (900,000 Rupiah to 2,800,000 Rupiah per person).
The monthly lunch meetings of the "Bali Wine Club" and the "Chaîne des Rôtisseurs" Black-Tie dinners are for members and their guests only. If you've booked a villa through and are seriously interested in good food and wine, please call their Service Center at 703-060 to arrange your attendance.
*Hash House Harriers: There are three groups of Hash House Harriers holding regular runs on every Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 4.30 p.m. You can find up-to-date information at the GLORY restaurant in Legian, LIPS Country & Western Bar and BALI BAKERY in Kuta, ALAS ARUM supermarket, ARRI'S CAFE and ARENA Sports Bar in Sanur, and at NAUGHTY NURI'S bar in Ubud. For more details please visit their web site.
*Social Clubs: Rotarians, Lions, Scal Club members, etc. hold regular meetings in various parts of Bali. Schedules are published in the local newspapers.


You can go shopping for fine art and handicrafts such as antique, semi-antique and modern furniture, all kinds of paintings, delicately crafted gold and silver jewelry, wood and stone carvings, masks, woven and dyed fabrics, etc. in many shops in the Kuta/Legian area, in Sanur, in various handicraft villages, the Sukawati market on the way to Ubud and in the town of Ubud.
In most of the shops you can and should bargain for the best price. Be especially careful with the vendors near popular tourist attractions such as Tanah Lot or, for instance, the rip-off artists in the Bali Aga village Tenganan who are well-known for selling fake "antique" fabrics (even spray-painted instead of woven cloth) for very high prices.
Popular buys in Bali are DVDs featuring even very recent movies. These are illegal copies but they sell for just 10,000 Rupiah per piece or 100,000 Rupiah for 11 and are available everywhere in Bali. Beach wear, T-shirts, pants and other clothing, shoes and leather goods, sea shells, trinkets, etc. are offered at low prices in numerous shops in Kuta and Legian as well as – much more expensive – in many hotels.
Well-known shopping centers are Geneva, Jalan Raya Kerobokan in Seminyak for very cheap handicrafts, Kuta Square with many shops and a branch of the Matahari Department Store and Supermarket offering everything a tourist could be interested in as well as Bali Galeria behind the DFS Komplex on the By-Pass where you find many different outlets including Vinoti, Prada, Body Shop, Planet Sport, a Periplus book shop, a branch of Marks & Spencer and many shops selling sports shoes, surf and party wear.
The huge, fully air-conditioned beachfront Kartika Discovery Mall in Jalan Kartika in Tuban next door to the Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel and opposite the Waterbom Park was opened in 2004. It accommodates a large underground car park and the three storey mall with the Centro Department Store featuring famous international brands and designer labels including Esprit, Guess, Giordano, Polo, Prada, La Senza (for lingerie), cosmetics and fragrances from Bulgari, Gucci, Estée Lauder, Revlon, Clinique, Shiseido etc, surf shops such as Quicksilver, Billabong and Planet Surf, boutiques for ladies and gents fashions, several optical shops, Kids Station and Guess for Kids, Vinoti Living, specialist shops for beautiful watches and jewellry, a Sogo Department Store on street level, a Periplus bookshop, Boots Chemist, Starbucks, Bread Talk, KFC, Pizza Hut, Baskin & Robbins, Black Canyon Cafe and several other restaurants. Opening hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily.
There are a number of other shopping centers in Kuta, Tuban, Seminyak and Denpasar. The Nusa Dua Galleria has been reopened after renovations in December 2005 as Bali Collection and is dominated by the Sogo Department Store offering hundreds of international brands and designer labels; there are also several other shops and a small number of restaurants.
The newest shopping center is Carrefour at the Sunset Road which features the huge hypermarket of the French retailer on the top floor selling on over 8,000 sq.m. food, baked goods, prepared food, wine, diary products, fridges, TVs, luggage, clothing, furniture, computers etc. all in one place similar to a Wal-Mart in the US. The lower floors accommodate a variety of shops including a Periplus bookshop, an Apple-authorized reseller and many food outlets. Opening hours are daily from 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
The attractive tableware you see in many restaurants, hotels, and the better homes in Bali is made locally byJenggala Keramik Bali. Started by the New Zealand-born designer-potter Brent Hesselyn who disappeared while diving near Nusa Penida in late 2002, Jenggala has been producing for over 20 years hand-made high-quality ceramics which can be seen and ordered at their modern factory in Jimbaran, Jalan Uluwatu II. This new complex includes in addition to a show room an exhibition area for antique and new Indonesian art, a demonstration area where Jenggala's potters display their skills, and a branch of the popular "Kafe Batu Jimbar" serving light meals and a choice of coffee, tea and other beverages.
Avoid the DUTY FREE SHOPPERS outlets by all means! All local products are ridiculously expensive here.