Thursday, April 8, 2010

Kiat-Kiat Puasa Saat Hamil

Para ibu hamil seringkali menghadapi dilema antara tetap menjalankan ibadah puasa selama Ramadhan namun khawatir dengan kesehatan janin. Sebenarnya ibu hamil mendapat keringanan dalam hal ini.
namun jika tetap ingin menunaikan ibadah karena merasa sanggup, ini dia kiat-kiatnya.

1. Pastikan kondisi janin dan ibu dalam"aman" untuk berpuasa
Konsultasikan dulu dengan dokter kandungan yang menangani. Dokter akan menilai kondisi kesehatan ibu hamil secara keseluruhan. Jika ibu hamil memiliki penyakit hipertensi, diabetes melitus, gangguan pencernaan, muntah-muntah berlebihan, atau kondisi lain yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan janin sebaiknya jangan memaksakan diri. Bukankah memastikan janin tumbuh sehat juga merupakan ibadah?
Selain itu, usia kehamilan telah melewati masa krisis pertama, atau setelah berusia di atas 3 bulan.

2. Jika ibu hamil diharuskan mengonsumsi obat rutin setiap hari dan akan membahayakan janin jika ditinggalkan, lebih baik tunda dulu keinginan untuk berpuasa.

3. Jangan lupakan sahur sebagai cadangan energi seharian. 
Agar janin tidak kekurangan gizi perhatikan asupan makanan pada saat sahur. Usahakan agar menu sahur Anda terdiri dari karbohidrat, sayur, protein tinggi, lemak, dan buah segar. 
konsumsi nasi (karbohidrat) yang cukup, lauk-pauk sesuai selera dengan proporsi protein dan serat yang seimbang, vitamin C, kalsium, zat besi, B-12, dan cukup minum. Upayakan makanan yang kaya vitamin C dan mineral seng (zinc) untuk menjaga vitalitas tubuh.

4. Pengaturan pola makan .
ini penting, karena proporsi gizi yang tidak seimbang saat sahur mudah mendatangkan rasa kantuk berlebihan di siang hari, juga bisa memicu timbulnya rasa pusing.

4. Di sela aktivitas harian, selalu sisihkan waktu untuk beristirahat, misalnya jalan kaki ringan untuk melemaskan otot kaki dan punggung, juga melancarkan peredaran darah. Jika memungkinkan gunakan waktu satu jam untuk tidur siang.

5. Saat berbuka, awali dengan yang manis untuk meningkatkan kadar gula darah, tetapi ibu hamil juga harus tetap membatasi makanan dan minuman yang manis.

Konsumsi makanan dalam kondisi hangat, karena perut yang kosong dan sedang hamil biasanya lebih peka saat menerima makanan dingin

6. Selain karbohidrat kompleks (seperti nasi, gandum), disarankan untuk menambah asupan makanan tinggi serat seperti sayur dan buah karena akan dicerna dalam waktu lama dan menghindari sembelit.

7. Perbanyak cairan dan air putih untuk menjaga volume darah dan mengatur suhu tubuh.

8. Tetap berolahraga ringan yang teratur agar kebugaran tetap terjaga.Siang hari simpan energi, bukan berarti bermalas-masalan, apalagi jika Anda ibu bekerja. Lakukan olah raga ringan misalnya jalan-jalan saat istirahat kantor, peregangan atau bahkan senam hamil, atau peregangan. Lakukanlah 10-30 menit untuk jalan, 30-45 menit bagi senam hamil, dengan frekuensi 3-4 kali seminggu jika jam istirahat kantor tak memungkinkan, lakukan sore hari sepulang kantor). Kurangi kegiatan olah raga secara bertahap sesuai usia kehamilan, sampai minimal sekali seminggu. Ingin olah raga yang menyenangkan? Cobalah jalan ke pusat perbelanjaan sembari mencari bingkisan Lebaran untuk keluarga dan kerabat. Olah raga bersifat rekreasi seperti ini dapat merangsang produksi hormon anti-insulin, yang berfungsi melepas gula dan simpanan energi, sehingga kadar gula darah tidak menurun. Ini membuat ibu hamil tetap segar sepanjang hari..

9. Bila mengalami tanda-tanda dehidrasi, seperti diare, tubuh lemas, keluar keringat dingin, rahim berkontraksi, sebaiknya segera akhiri puasa Anda.

10. Jalani puasa dengan niat dan tekad yang bulat dan ikhlas agar hari-hari berpuasa terasa ringan dan membahagiakan meski sedang hamil

Selamat berpuasa. Bagi Anda ibu hamil yang tetap berpuasa, Allah SWT akan memberikan nilai "plus" pada Anda, Insya Allah. Aamiin

Sumber :

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Entry to Maldives

To enter Maldives no pre-arrival visa is required. 
A thirty day free visa is issued on arrival for all Nationalities, provided the following conditions are met:
  • Should posses a valid passport and
  • Have a valid ticket to continue the journey out of Maldives and
  • Have enough funds to cover the expenses for duration of the stay in Maldives. (US$100 + $50 dollars per day) or a confirmation of reservation in a Tourist Resort or a Hotel
Caution: Full thirty day visa is not a right of the passenger to claim, but lies at the discretion of the Immigration to issue not more than thirty days and any period less than thirty days.


A foreigner maybe allowed to enter Maldives through the sponsorship program. The sponsor should fill and submit the related application form available at the Immigration.

The foreigner should not travel to Maldives under this program, until the sponsorship is approved. It is the responsibilty of the foreigner to ensure that the sponsorship has been approved. Failing upon which the foreigner maybe refused entry.

A sponsor could be a local or a locally registered company.

Renewal of Tourist Visa
A Tourist visa maybe be renewed if the person concerned, applies to the Immigration before the expiration of the visa already granted. Before the extension, Immigration will re-asses the incumbents financial position for the stay period of the extension. An extension can only be applied through the Visa Extension Application Form, at the Head Office during official working hours. Extension if considered, would be granted to a duration not exceeding a total of 90 days. (including the days granted on arrival) A visa fee of Rufiyaa 750 will be charged, for the full extension or part thereof (30 days free + 60 days chargeable) No visa fee will be charged if the extension does not exceed 30 days, that is including the days granted on arrival. FOREIGNERS WHO STAY BEYOND THE APPROVED STAY, MAYBE DEPORTED.

Refusal of Entry
Any person arriving in Maldives maybe refused entry, if the Immigration officer during questioning or interviewing the passenger
  • Have reasonable grounds (not necessarily solid proof) that the person is carrying fraudulent travel documents.
  • Suspects the apparent intention to the possible disruption of harmony and unlawful activities.
  • Has strong anti-semantic religious or political views.
Caution:The right to refuse an entry lies at the discretion of the Immigration and not as a right to claim entry.

Removal from Maldives
Any person staying in Maldives could be removed from Maldives immediately if the person concerned is :
  • Found working on a Tourist Visa
  • Found participating in any unlawful activity or even the intention to participate or initiate an unlawful activity
  • Suspected of disrupting the religious or political harmony
  • Reported to have become a public nuisance
  • Found with expired stay permit
  • Found with expired Work Permit
The removal could be translated as deportation from Maldives until such time, the Immigration seems fit.

Tourist Visa
For all nationalities
Read the relevant text above
Resident Permits
People with valid Work Permits
Read the relevant text above
Marriage Visa
Person married to a Maldivian
On arrival should submit the proof of marriage.
Burden of proof lies with the applicant
Proof can be a Marriage certificate in English or  an English translation
Marriage should be locally  registered with the concerned  court of law within the granted period before a Marriage Visa would be granted.
Foreign Widow
Wife of a Maldivian, whose husband has passed away while married.
The Widow Visa status will get cancelled once married
Student Visa
Should have a guardian in Maldives
A letter should be sent to the Immigration by the guardian stating:
The intention to study in Maldives
To act as a guardian by the applicant
The type of study
Dependent Visa
Wife, husband and children of a work permit holder
Children should be less than 18 years old

The category of employment (Labor Ministry) should allow dependents.
Burden of Proof (Marriage or Guardianship of children) lies entirely on the person applying
Marriage Certificates in English (or an English Translation of the same)
Birth Certificates in English (or an English Translation of the same)
Can switch from a Tourist Visa to a dependent Visa if the conditions are met.
Crews coming to join a vessel
Crews coming to join a vessel should inform, in writing, to the Immigration prior to the arrival through the local agent of the vessel. The letter should specify the name of the vessel and the intention to sign-on to this vessel. Crews arriving without prior knowledge of arrival would be refused to sign-on to the vessel and would have to re-enter Maldives. On arrival seven days tourist visa would be granted, during which the crew should apply to the Harbor Immigration to get signed-on to the vessel, through the local agent of the vessel. Due to any reason, if the crew fails to sign-on before the expiration of the given duration, the agent should apply for an extension, failing upon which the crew might be refused to join the vessel and ask to leave and re-enter.

Departure from Maldives
All persons leaving Maldives should posses a valid passport or a travel document. If the passport of a foreigner gets expired or gets lost while staying in Maldives:
.: a proper travel document or a passport should be obtained from a Mission closest to Maldives.
.: a carrier flying directly or indirectly to foreigners home destination, agrees to carry the person concerned.

Transit Passengers
Transit passengers must leave within 24 hours of arrival. If a transit passenger fails to leave within 24 hours the passenger should revise the permit to stay.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tips for Maldives Travelers

Maldives: Maldives is a cluster of 1200 spectacular Robinson Crusoe islands, detached into array of coral atolls. Around 200 of islands amongst these huge scattered islands are inhabited. Maldives is located north of the Equator and enjoys warm tropical weather favorable for outdoor activities and holidays. Male is the capital of the Republic of Maldives and the major languages spoken in the region are Maldivian, English and Dhivehi. The most ideal way of getting into the politically stable country is through air.
Male International Airport located in the capital city is the only getaway to Maldives.

Customs: The Republic of Maldives strictly forbids the import of liquor, drugs, pornographic materials, arms or weapons and idols of worship. Export of coral, crocodile skins and tortoise shell is considered illegal in the country.

Health: Maldives is totally free from Malaria, dengue and yellow fever. If you are visiting from endemic region, certificate of Inoculation is required to enter into the country. If is recommended to take a check up from your local hospital/doctor before traveling so as to confirm medications or preventive step to make your body free from any tropical disease. 

Best Time to Travel to Maldives: The best time to reach Maldives is from the months of April to the beginning of November.

Passport and Visa requirements: Travel with your passport to be valid up to your take off date is required to enter in to the republic of Maldives. As per the visa requirement, 30 days visa will be issued when arrived in Maldives. The Department of Immigration and Emigration approves any request for extending tourist's stay up to 90 days, if a person stays in a resort. Without valid authorization if a person is staying more than 60 days, he/she will face heavy tax and transfer to his/her country.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Best Time to Visit Maldives

Maldives (Country Guide)Cool Hotels: India, Maldives, Sri Lanka

When you ultimately plan to travel you should actually know the best time to visit Maldives. This trip to Maldives depends upon the seasonal climate and weather of Maldives.

However, Maldives with its sugary white beaches, lush vegetation, pristine lagoons and serene Atolls, remain exotic and mysterious all the time.
But before you seek to know the best time to visit Maldives, you should know whether you prefer the warm and sunny summers or the cool and wet rainy seasons.

Climate of Maldives
To decide for the best time to visit Maldives, you should know the climate of the place. The climate of Maldives is tropical, which means hot, humid and dry weather.

Maldives is basically dominated by the monsoons. The islands get rainfall from July to August due to southwest monsoon and from November to March due to northeast monsoons.

Visit Maldives during summer season
So if you are looking for some extra hours of fun in the sun, then you should visit Maldives during the months of December to April, which are dry seasons. This is high time season for the resorts and hotels as they enjoy great demands at these times.

If you want to visit Maldives during the summers, you should book the resort from your hometown through online or phone and then visit Maldives to experience the best time.

Visit Maldives during the winter season
The winters are pleasant with sunny weather and cool ambience. Christmas is the busiest and best time to visit Maldives. You can enjoy land sports like beach volleyball, board games, sauna and table tennis.

However, the time between May and November is also a best time to visit Maldives as the skies remains cloudy, humidity remains high and there are more chances of rainfall.

This is the best time for divers and snorkel-lovers to visit Maldives. As there is increased water clarity and better visibility for divers, so the water sports like jet-skiing, windsurfing, diving and snorkeling can give an amazing experience to all tourists.

Dive the Maldives: Complete Guide to Diving and SnorkelingMaldives Travel Pack (Globetrotter Travel Packs)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

How to Apply for Permanent Residency in Singapore

Living In Singapore, An Expatriate's GuideWorking And Living In Singapore: Handbook For Expatriates
Living in Singapore, An Expatriate's Guide

People who are allowed to reside indefinitely in a country without having the citizenship are known as the permanent residents. If you are willing to apply for permanent residence ship in Singapore then browse through the page to come across various steps that requires to be completed to get the approval of the authorities.

The eligible candidates are required to meet the qualities needed for getting the approval of the authorities. An individual submitting the application should fulfill the following criteria-a) Employment pass holders, b) Investors/Entrepreneurs, c) Residents of Hong Kong who meets certain guidelines, d) The old parents of a citizen of Singapore and e) Spouse/unmarried children below 21 years of age of a Permanent Resident/citizen of Singapore.

Those falling under the criteria "a" and "e" are required to submit a list of valid documents. The candidates must enclose with the application original documents, official translation and duplicates of all the original documents. Insufficient documents may lead to the non-acceptance of the application. People in this category must apply to the PR Services Centre

5th Floor SIR Building
10 Kallang Road
Singapore 208718
Tel: 391 6100

The people falling under the category "b" should possess good track record and must be willing to invest in Singapore. The candidates are advised to apply in the Immigration Facilitation Unit.
Economic Development Board
250 North Bridge Road
Raffles City Tower
Singapore 179101
Tel: 336 2288

The official procedure takes near about three months. Once the PR status is approved the candidates are informed by mail. One can pick up the entry and re-entry permits within a single day. 

Friday, April 2, 2010


Shopping in Bangkok is a dream for any keen shopper. Their stylish shopping malls around the city have a collection of the biggest brand names in the world. Armani, Dolce & Gabbana, Ralph Lauren all have establishments at Bangkok's top end malls. You can find an inviting sale or goods for discount prices at most of them. The larger shopping malls in Bangkok also contain cinemas so you don't have to miss the latest movies on the silver screen. International restaurants and cafes can be found at the malls such as Starbucks, Sizzlers, KFC, Black Canyon Coffee, Zen, Fuji etc.
The malls are popular hangouts with University students and business people who take their lunch breaks and relax. Most are easily accessible by BTS or Taxi.

List of shopping malls in Bangkok

Bangkok (City Guide) CHIC Restaurants & Bars Bangkok Time Out Bangkok: And Beach Escapes (Time Out Guides)

Central Shopping Mall & EGV CinemaPinklao Branch : 7/1 Baromarachachonnani Road, Bangkoknoi, Bangkok 10700
With EGV Cinema also Major Cineplex is opposite.
Website: &
This is the closest mall with cinema to Khao San Road. Central Pin Klao Mall is short 5 minute taxi ride (50baht  on the meter) over the Pin Klao Bridge and you are there.

Central World Plaza & Zen shopping mall : BTS Siam Station or Chidlom Station : Rama 1
Road, Ratchaprasong Junction, Pathumwan Bangkok 10330
Central world Plaza in Bangkok is situated in the central part of the city. This is a taxi ride and a BTS sky train away from Khao San Road (80-100 Baht on the meter). A taxi to Ratchthewi BTS station. Get off at Chit Lom. If there is little in the way of traffic then you may as well continue on to Central world.

Siam Center , Siam Discovery and Siam Paragon shopping mall : BTS Siam Station :
Rama 1 Road, Pathumwan , Bangkok 10330
With EGV Cinema
Siam Center, Siam Discovery and Siam Paragon are all situated in the same place. Siam Paragon also has a large EGV cinema.  A taxi ride to Ratchthewi BTS station from Khao San Road (80-100 Baht and then you get of at Siam station.  Sometimes it's easier to get a taxi all the way.

MBK Shopping Center (Mabunkrong) : BTS National Stadium Station :
Phayathai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
A taxi ride from Khao San Road is usually the easiest way to arrive at MBK shopping center in Bangkok. Tell the taxi driver to drop you at National Stadium BTS station and then it's aminutes walk. Just follow the crowd.

Gaysorn Plaza shopping mall : BTS Chidlom Station : 999 Ratchaprasong Junction, Ploenchit
Road, Bangkok 10330
A taxi ride from Khao San Road to Ratchthewi BTS station and then you get off at Chit Lom station. Gaysorn Plaza in Bangkok is situated across the road from Central World Plaza.

The Platinum shopping mall : Pratunam Junction , Petchburi Road, Bangkok 10400
The Platinum Mall in Bangkok isn't as easily as accessible as other malls so a 140 baht taxi ride from Khao San Road (depending on traffic) is your best choice in getting there.

Pratunam Center : Rajaprarop Road, Makkasan, Bangkok 10400
Directly across the road from The Platinum Mall is Pratunam Center. A 140 Baht taxi (depending on traffic) from Khao san Road is also the best way in getting there.

The Emporium shopping mall : BTS Prompong Station : Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok
To get to the Emporium in Bangkok from Khao San Road isn't as easy as the other malls but worth it. A taxi to the nearest BTS Station(Ratchthewi) and then you get the BTS all the way to Phrom Phong. You can access The Emporium Mall directly from the station.

Esplanade shopping mall : MRT Thailand Cultural Center Station, 99 Ratchadapisek
Road, Din Dang, Bangkok 10400
To save time and effort, the best way to get to Esplanade is by taxi. It'll cost  between 150-200 Baht in a taxi depending on the world famous Bangkok traffic.

Chatuchak Weekend Market : BTS Mor Chit Station or MRT Suan Chatuchak
JJ Mall : 588 Kampangpetch 2 Road, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900
A taxi to your nearest BTS station from Khao San Road and then a short Sky Train ride to Mo Chit station. A 2 minute walk will get you there easily. Please take time to admire the beautiful park next to the station.

Bangkok (Thai Guides Series)
Frommer's Comprehensive Travel Guide: Bangkok (Frommer's Bangkok)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Jika Usia Suami Lebih Muda Dari Anda

Apakah usia Anda dan pasangan 
terpaut jauh? Jika usia pria terpaut lebih dari 5 tahun, hal itu dianggap 
sebagai suatu kewajaran, namun bagaimana jika usia wanita yang jauh lebih 
tinggi dari pria? Apakah kesulitan yang mungkin dihadapi? Coba simak yang satu 

Menurut para pakar asmara dan 
sex, wanita lebih tua cenderung memiliki latar belakang pengalaman kehidupan 
yang lebih banyak, sehingga ia akan lebih matang menghadapi kehidupan. Dianjurkan 
oleh para pakar, jika perempuan berusia lebih tua, sebaiknya melibatkan 
pasangan dalam setiap masalah dengan cara terbuka dan jujur. Apalagi jika 
masalah tersebut merupakan masalah yang ada berkaitan dengan Anda berdua. Cinta 
harus dibarengi komunikasi yang baik dan jujur. Lalu apa sajakah kendala yang 
umum terjadi pada perempuan yang memiliki 
pasangan dengan usia jauh lebih muda? Inilah dia.. 

1. Anda akan selalu menjadi ''''ibu'''' 
baginya. Karena banyak hal yang harus Anda bimbing, maka Anda akan tergelincir 
pada peran ibu yang semestinya bukan peran Anda. Bukankah Anda kekasihnya? 
Bersiaplah karena kesabaran Anda akan diuji. Anda akan terus menerus menjalani 
masa ''''proses belajar''''. Masalah serumit apapun, menurut Anda akan terselesaikan 
(karena Anda sudah berpikiran matang). Sedangkan bagi si dia, masalah rumit 
seolah-olah akan membuat dunia kiamat. Di sinilah bimbingan Anda diperlukan. 
Dan, yang bisa Anda lakukan adalah bersabar! 

2. Secara finansial, Anda lebih 
mapan. Tak dapat dipungkiri, Anda terlebih dulu hidup mandiri dan bekerja. 
Karena itu, Anda akan lebih banyak memutuskan berbagai hal ketimbang si dia. 
Misalnya, kemana akan berlibur, merayakan hari valentine di restoran mana, dan 

3. Tergoda untuk selalu 
''''mengontrol''''nya. Patut Anda ingat, jika sebuah hubungan didominasi oleh salah 
satu pasangan, artinya hubungan itu sudah tak sehat lagi. Jadi, usahakan jangan 
menunjukkan sikap di depannya bahwa Anda yang lebih berhak atas dirinya. Siapkah 
Anda menghadapi kendala-kendala seperti di atas? Jika siap, dan Anda mau berjuang demi kelangsungan 
cinta Anda dengannya, maka teruskanlah 
hubungan itu. Jika ragu, tundalah dulu sampai Anda benar-benar siap. 
Yang pasti, jangan sekali-kali mengabaikan masalah yang ada.

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